Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare and Socialism

Are you a Republican and don't want healthcare reform because you don't want 'socialism'? Fine then, be honest about. You believe most Americans are opposed to socialism? In the next federal election campaign, force your party to run on an honest platform of eliminating medicare for senior citizens, since it is obviously socialist, and let the seniors know that they will be required to purchase insurance from a private insurance company. Oh and make sure you have the private insurance companies on board first and up front and center guaranteeing that they are on board. Also, be sure to let people know of your plans to recind the law that requires hospitals to provide emergency medical care for those without insurance since that is socialist too.

In the meantime make sure you ferret out any other socialism you find in our society and let people know of your plans to eliminate that too.

If you are as principled as you claim to be this won't be hard to do - and good luck winning the election. Americans love socialism when it makes sense and understand that there are just some things that free market capitalism can't provide.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fox News Reporter?

How can this reporter possibly stay on Fox News? He was respectful, gave the interviewee an opportunity to answer the question and state his position. He won't be at Fox long.

Bill O'Reilly Combat Veteran

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Glenn Beck Eugenics

Is Glenn Beck losing his mind? For some reason he decided to bring up the topic of eugenics on his show and then prefaces his comments by saying that 'no one is talking about eugenics' so don't misunderstand. Then he goes on to get emotional about how his daughter may have been disposable under the nazis. What the heck is he talking about and why? Check out the Youtube video:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Interesting Quote

"We swallow wholeheartedly any lie that flatters us, but sip reluctantly at any truth we find harsh."

Denis Diderot (1713-1784)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Light Bulb Inventor

A number of times I have heard Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC's Morning Meeting say that 'Americans invented electricity, the light bulb, the automobile, etc. etc.

Obviously an American couldn't have invented electricity given that electricity exists and could only be discovered. At any rate it wasn't even an American who discovered electricity since it had been known for a few thousand years before Columbus 'discovered' the new world.

As far as the light bulb I've always know Edison didn't invent the light bulb but I was under the impression that he invented the carbon filament light bulb and was the first to patent it. Apparently that is not even the case. In fact the British inventor Joseph Swan published his design for the carbon filament bulb in Scientific American and that is likely where Thomas Edison came up with the idea for his work on the same subject.

There is plenty of information on this and subsequent patent law suits etc. if you choose to look into the subject in more detail.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Politics, junky e-mail, etc.

Having received numerous 'fwd' e-mails I developed a hobby of checking the facts in the e-mails, particularly the ones of a political nature. It was almost humorous what I would find in terms of the lack of truthfullness contained in them.

The surprising thing to me was the people who would send them to me. They are typically otherwise reasonable people but some of the e-mail they would send were complete crap. They didn't even seem to pause and check the garbage they were sending out to the people in their address book. What a way to destroy your reputation - with the simple click of a button.

Originally I would check the facts and then hit 'reply all' with my response but that didn't always sit well with me because I didn't want to embarass the person - although they certainly deserved it. I guess that makes me a bit of a wimp.

So rather than resort to the 'reply all' approach I decided this blog might be a better way to respond to them.

I also hear so many things in the media that I know to be garbage that I plan to comment on those on occasion. Being somewhat conservative in my political views and having always voted for 'conservative' politicians I am particularly shocked by the amount of garbage the conservative talk show host spew out and I must have somewhere to vent.

This is it.