Monday, August 3, 2009

Light Bulb Inventor

A number of times I have heard Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC's Morning Meeting say that 'Americans invented electricity, the light bulb, the automobile, etc. etc.

Obviously an American couldn't have invented electricity given that electricity exists and could only be discovered. At any rate it wasn't even an American who discovered electricity since it had been known for a few thousand years before Columbus 'discovered' the new world.

As far as the light bulb I've always know Edison didn't invent the light bulb but I was under the impression that he invented the carbon filament light bulb and was the first to patent it. Apparently that is not even the case. In fact the British inventor Joseph Swan published his design for the carbon filament bulb in Scientific American and that is likely where Thomas Edison came up with the idea for his work on the same subject.

There is plenty of information on this and subsequent patent law suits etc. if you choose to look into the subject in more detail.

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