Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare and Socialism

Are you a Republican and don't want healthcare reform because you don't want 'socialism'? Fine then, be honest about. You believe most Americans are opposed to socialism? In the next federal election campaign, force your party to run on an honest platform of eliminating medicare for senior citizens, since it is obviously socialist, and let the seniors know that they will be required to purchase insurance from a private insurance company. Oh and make sure you have the private insurance companies on board first and up front and center guaranteeing that they are on board. Also, be sure to let people know of your plans to recind the law that requires hospitals to provide emergency medical care for those without insurance since that is socialist too.

In the meantime make sure you ferret out any other socialism you find in our society and let people know of your plans to eliminate that too.

If you are as principled as you claim to be this won't be hard to do - and good luck winning the election. Americans love socialism when it makes sense and understand that there are just some things that free market capitalism can't provide.

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