Saturday, August 1, 2009

Politics, junky e-mail, etc.

Having received numerous 'fwd' e-mails I developed a hobby of checking the facts in the e-mails, particularly the ones of a political nature. It was almost humorous what I would find in terms of the lack of truthfullness contained in them.

The surprising thing to me was the people who would send them to me. They are typically otherwise reasonable people but some of the e-mail they would send were complete crap. They didn't even seem to pause and check the garbage they were sending out to the people in their address book. What a way to destroy your reputation - with the simple click of a button.

Originally I would check the facts and then hit 'reply all' with my response but that didn't always sit well with me because I didn't want to embarass the person - although they certainly deserved it. I guess that makes me a bit of a wimp.

So rather than resort to the 'reply all' approach I decided this blog might be a better way to respond to them.

I also hear so many things in the media that I know to be garbage that I plan to comment on those on occasion. Being somewhat conservative in my political views and having always voted for 'conservative' politicians I am particularly shocked by the amount of garbage the conservative talk show host spew out and I must have somewhere to vent.

This is it.

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